SEL Curriculum
Included in Friendswood’s strategic plan is our common, core beliefs. Some of those beliefs include, Students learn best and succeed in a space where they feel heard, seen and connected; Interpersonal relationships and connections are vital to the learning of and the development of civility and respect; A well-rounded student is the product of academic, social and emotional learning. It is these beliefs that provide the framework and guide authentic social and emotional learning opportunities for our students enabling them to thrive personally and academically, to build and maintain healthy, positive relationships and contribute to their community.
We define social and emotional learning (SEL) as an integral part of education and human development. SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions. *
Elementary SEL Curriculum
Teachers in grades K-5 implement the Kindness in the Classroom curriculum during daily Morning Meetings. Kindness in the Classroom is a Tier 1, evidence-based Social Emotional Learning curriculum designed to create a culture of kindness. Teachers are provided with scripted lessons, as well as necessary materials. Parent letters are sent home at the beginning of every unit and include a list of activities that will be completed during the unit and ways that parents can help at home.
First Nine Weeks:
- Respect - Treating people, places and things with kindness
- Bullying - Lesson and survey with all students
- Coping Skills and Meet the Counselor
Second Nine Weeks:
- Caring - Feeling and showing concern for others
- Inclusiveness - Including others, inviting them in and welcoming them with open arms.
- School Wide Kindness Week
- Healthy Choices and Self Awareness
Third Nine Weeks:
- Integrity - Acting in a way you know to be right and kind in all situations.
- Responsibility - Being reliable to do the things that are expected or required of you.
- Conflict Resolution
- Healthy Friendships
Fourth Nine Weeks:
- Courage - Being brave when facing new or difficult circumstances.
- Stress Management Strategies
- Goal Setting and Future Planning
Ongoing School-Wide Initiatives:
- Positive Character Nominations
- Classroom Break Boxes
- Community Faith Partners
- Bay Area Alliance, FISD Cares Partnership
FJH SEL Curriculum
FJH Connections 2024-2025
This is a Tier 1 evidenced-based social emotional learning curriculum designed to help create a culture of kindness at FJH.
- Building Community
- Icebreakers and Team Building
- Self-Management
- Checking Skyward and Canvas
- Student and Teacher expectations
- Respect
- Expand student understanding of respect through both interpersonal and community based interactions.
- Expand student understanding of respect from a biological, brain based perspective.
- Expand understanding of respect through interpersonal and technology based interactions.
- Explain and use healthy self-care strategies as a demonstration of self-respect.
- Synthesize student knowledge of respect as it applies to themselves, others, the school and community.
- Bullying and Cyberbullying
- FJH Bullying Survey
- Empathy & Gratitude
- Develop the skills of empathy and compassion for both people they know personally and others within their community.
- Utilize self-care tools and methods to increase a feeling of self-worth.
- Practice both giving and receiving gratitude through a foundation of kindness.
- Community Service Project: Planned and presented through Connections.
- Inclusiveness
- Explore the concept of inclusiveness and how it is applied within the school and local community.
- Analyze the difference between fairness and equity.
- Differentiate between positive and negative peer pressure.
- Practice inclusiveness by working together to create a school community for everyone.
- Learn strategies for being an upstander.
- Community Service Project: Holiday Cards
- Spirit of Giving
- Team Building: Cookie Cottages and Rudolph Races
- Self Awareness: Resolutions, Reflections and SMART Goals
- Self Management: Organization
- Great Kindness Challenge Door Decorating Contest
- Responsible Decision Making: Course Selection
- NAMI Stress Less & Resiliency
- Integrity
- Students will examine their own level of integrity across a variety of situations, both with peers and individually.
- Relationship Skills: Communication Skills, Healthy Relationships, Social Media and Friendships, Conflict Resolution
- Common Sense Education: Digital Citizenship
- Responsibility
- Explore responsible words and actions in social settings, both physical and online.
- Evaluate responsibilities in online spaces and with technology devices.
- Explain the connection between rights and freedom with responsibility.
- Evaluate how to make a decision when there is a conflict in responsibilities.
- Self Management: Stress and Effective Stress Management (Self-Regulation)
- Resiliency
- Unbound Houston Youth Prevention
- Courage
- Gain a deeper understanding and practice utilizing the kindness and courage required to embrace humility in a variety of situations.
- Examine what courage looks like within their own lives and how to incorporate a variety of courageous moments moving forward.
- Draw connections between vulnerability and courage.
- Responsible Decision Making: Different Styles, Steps to making Good Decisions, Consequences, Social Media and Digital Responsibilities, Digital Footprints
- FJH Bullying Survey
- Anxiety Triggers and Self-Regulation, Resiliency and Healthy Coping Skills
FHS SEL Curriculum
SEL Tier 1 Direct Instruction is provided to high school students through grade level classes in large groups and also through the use of MCS. Major topics discussed are included below:
1st Nine weeks
- Resiliency - Presentations for Freshman as they transition into high school and for seniors as they are preparing for life outside of high school. Presentations include resources such as Glenn R. Schiraldi, PhD, who has served on the stress management faculties at the Pentagon, the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, and the University of Maryland, Atomic Habits by James Clear, Texas Suicide Safer Schools Coalition, the National Incident Management System and Adulting 101 curriculum.
- Stress Management- Activities and information that targets the specific concerns of students as they go through high school i.e. transition to high school, college planning, procrastination, and life skills.
- Suicide Prevention-
- Activities on canvas page as well as videos from the Youtube Channel: My life is worth living
- Mindwise Curriculum and screener
- Safety Planning completed with all incoming freshmen in the first month of school.
- Positive Action Curriculum utilized in MCS presentations and small groups.
- Bullying - lesson and survey with all students
2nd nine weeks
- Drug Education & Prevention/Red Ribbon Week (Student Led/Student Council)
- Human Trafficking-Unbound presentations given to Sophomore students.
3rd nine weeks
- Dating Violence/Family Violence/Child Abuse - Presentation administered to all junior students. The presentation is a locally developed presentation that was made based on state required education and with input from our local law enforcement agency. The presentation focuses heavily on existing laws related to these topics.
- Bullying prevention lessons on MCS,
4th Nine weeks
Mental Health Awareness Fair (Student led)-Campus-wide initiative with booths provided by students, staff, and volunteers. Typically includes topics such as positive affirmations, the importance of sleep, restorative yoga, tips and tricks for reducing anxiety, and the campus therapy dog.
Ongoing School-wide Initiatives:
- Calming Corner in the Counseling Center - a reset station available to students who need a short amount of time to regroup and practice coping strategies individually and help them get back to class
- Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) -counselors and administrators work together to help intervene with students using constructive and supportive techniques.
- Character Counts - monthly acknowledgements of students who exhibit the FISD character pillars; staff to student
- Community Faith Partners-volunteers provide positive interactions with students during lunches and support campus needs.
- YAM (Youth Aware of Mental Health) - TEA-approved Tier 1 programming, currently being reviewed for statewide implementation.
- SEL Teacher leaders are teachers that receive more in depth mental health training, and help facilitate the education of the entire staff with trauma informed practices, classroom positive behavior intervention supports, and bullying prevention. Teacher leaders also assist with the planning and development of Tier 1 interventions as they arise. Trauma Sensitive Schools
- Partnership with Bay Area Alliance, FISD Cares for student needs as they arise