Supplemental Reading Programs
Supplemental Reading Program
Response to Intervention (RtI) is a value-added practice that provides many benefits. It enables schools to increase professional collaboration between teachers, support staff, and leadership. RtI allows us to intervene early as a result of screenings, provide more effective instruction and targeted interventions in skills-deficit areas, and accelerate learning due to appropriate instruction. Most importantly, RtI can increase student achievement and impact overall school improvement.
The key features of a successful RtI plan include:
- Designed to address the needs of all struggling learners
- A problem-solving process with shared responsibility
- School-wide instructional and behavioral supports in place
- Intervention plans designed, implemented, and monitored by a multidisciplinary team of professionals
- Data-based decisions using universal screening and progress monitoring data
- Interventions provided with fidelity, integrity, and intended intensity
- Use of scientific research-based resources, programs, and practices
- Written parent notifications describing RtI and student placement
- Ongoing, high-quality professional development to enhance core instruction
- RtI as part of specific learning disability determination
Friendswood’s Supplemental Reading Program is one component of the district’s RtI program.
The purpose of the Supplemental Reading Program is to provide early, intensive intervention for students who are experiencing difficulties with early literacy skills or reading.
A variety of literacy assessments are given throughout the school year to identify those students who would benefit from additional reading instruction. These assessments include:
- mCLASS Reading
- BAS (Benchmark Assessment System)
- Grade-level benchmark assessments
- Writing samples
Classroom performance data based on checklists, rubrics, and informal assessments
Based on these assessments, students who are experiencing significant reading difficulty meet the criteria for participation in this program. A group of professionals, knowledgeable about your child’s literacy needs, will determine if your child meets the eligibility criteria for the program.
Students in the Supplemental Reading Program continue to receive high-quality core classroom reading instruction. The Supplemental Reading Program supplements classroom instruction by providing additional reading instruction with a specialized reading teacher based on each student’s individual needs.