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Use of Funds 
PS3013 (PS3013 en Español) and PS3014 (PS3014 en Español) program schedules are available for reference.

Safe Return to In-Person Instruction 
FISD district and campus administrators along with a committee of parents and health professionals began meeting in the summer of 2020 to develop plans to reopen our classrooms and safely return students opting for in-person instruction.  When school started in the fall of 2020, 74% of students were learning in person.  Safety plans were modified and adjusted as the 2020-21 school year progressed and by the last nine weeks of instruction, 94% of students were learning in-person.  During the 2021-22 school year, 100% of our students returned to school as we all learned to coexist with COVID.  We continued to report COVID positive cases and followed the adopted health mitigation protocols.  The current plan was last reviewed in March 2022.  As we enter the second semester of the 2022-23 school year, the plan will once again be reviewed to ensure a safe learning environment for all students and staff.  As always, the individual needs of students and staff are considered and appropriate accommodations will be made. The plan can be accessed on our district website and using the direct link below: FISD  HEALTH MITIGATION PROTOCOLS

Continuity of Services Plan
In the summer of 2020, FISD submitted an asynchronous plan to TEA which described how students learning remotely would have a continuity of instructional services similar to those students learning in-person. Remote students were provided instruction on 100% of the TEKS and were afforded opportunities to participate in all assessments. FISD recognizes all students, whether remote or in-person, who were impacted by the COVID pandemic and has plans to mitigate learning loss as well as meet student and staff social, emotional and mental health needs. 

FISD will use approximately 75% of the ESSER III funding to create thirteen new positions focused on implementing evidence-based activities to meet the comprehensive needs of students and providing information to parents on effectively supporting students. All of these positions will work to address learning loss among all FISD students, including low-income students, students with disabilities, english learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness and children in foster care.  These campus based positions will be five interventionists, six instructional coaches, a college and career specialists and a district behavior classroom teacher. The remaining funds will be used on instructional software, professional learning and in-direct district costs.

Grant drawdown chart


  • Interventionists - The five interventionists will work directly with students who have an identified learning need.  The needs will be identified using multiple data sources such as, but not limited to: mCLASS math and reading, BAS, STAAR, TELPAS and classroom assessments.  The interventionists will utilize evidence-based instructional tools to supplement student’s Tier 1 learning.  Interventionists will also communicate with parents and provide information and assistance in supporting their student’s learning outside of school. 
  • Instructional Coaches - The six instructional coaches will work directly with teachers on Tier 1 instructional strategies and curriculum development.  The coaches will review existing scope and sequence plans and make adjustments as needed to be responsive to learning loss.  Four of the instructional coaches will focus in the area of mathematics with our PK-5 teachers.  Two of the instructional coaches will focus across the four core subject areas with our 6-8 grade teachers.  
  • College, Career and Military Specialist - although this position will be housed at the high school, the role will serve students across 6-12 as students begin their individual post secondary pathway.  The goal of this position is to provide both students and parents with information regarding post secondary opportunities.
  • District Behavior Teacher - this position will serve students in grades 9-12 who need more specialized instruction regarding academic and social behaviors.  
  • Professional learning for the interventionists and instructional coaches will be developed and provided as needed to ensure a successful implementation. Professional needs will also be assessed and provided for in the areas of social, emotional and mental health needs.
  • Instructional Software - district staff will utilize a variety of technology tools to create personalized learning plans for students. The tools will also serve as screeners to help identify areas of need and assist in progress monitoring.  The platforms will provide students access to academic, social, emotional and mental health support. 

Input on the plan by stakeholders was provided in a variety of ways. Initial data gathering began earlier in the 2020-21 school year as district and campus leaders were assessing progress and needs of in-person and virtual students. Information was gathered through meetings with parent and student groups, teacher groups as well as campus and district leadership. The meetings allowed for discussion around areas of need for students and staff. Planning was also discussed publicly through regularly scheduled school board meetings during the months of May 2021, June 2021 and July 2021.  Information regarding federal grant funding and programming is also available on the district website with contact information for input and questions.

Public notice and open comment periods were provided to allow for meaningful stakeholder consultation.  Board agendas were published and posted publicly providing information and opportunities for the public to provide input.  The safety and SHAC agendas are also posted publicly and listed review of the ESSER III plan as an agenda item where the public could provide input.  In addition to these public forums, numerous district and campus teams/committees were gathered to provide input and review of the plans.  


Review and Updates
This plan will be reviewed at minimum every 6 months and will be updated as appropriate.  

  • The review of the Safe Return to In-Person Instruction (Health mitigation protocols) was reviewed during the 2022-2023 Safety Committee meetings which are scheduled for October 6, 2022, November 10, 2022, February 23, 2023 and June 8, 2023.  This committee is composed of campus leadership, campus staff, school resource officers, school board members, city staff and parents.  The committee members, agendas and minutes are publicly posted for review and input.  This committee will continue to serve as a review committee for the protocols for the 2022-2023 school year. 
  • The current district COVID status is also reviewed weekly by the Executive Director of Safety and Operations, Executive Director of Human Resources and campus nurses.  Any concerns or updates are discussed with district and campus leadership.  
  • The Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services plan continues to be reviewed during the School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) meetings which are scheduled for October 13, 2022, December 8, 2022, February 16, 2023 and April 20, 2023.  The committee is composed of district leadership, school nurses, campus staff and parents.  The committee members, agendas and minutes are publicly posted for review and input. This committee will continue to serve as a review committee for the protocols for the 2022-2023 school year. 
  • The District Leadership Team which consists of Central Office administrators as well as Campus Principals will review monthly the health mitigation procedures as well as the Instructional Continuity plans to ensure students are attending school, classes are staff and needed services are being delivered to all students.  
  • The Superintendent's Advisory Committee which is composed of representative parents from all six campuses meets throughout the school year.  The goal of this committee is to provide collaboration between parents and district administration on current topics and ideas within the district.  The superintendent will utilize this committee to seek regular input on the district's Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services plans.
  • School safety and budgetary spending are both standing agenda items with the School Board in an effort to seek input and be transparent with the community.  Public notice requirements, social media reminders and emailed board meeting summaries are also shared with our staff, parents and community.