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Enrollment for the 2024-25 school year is now open.

Welcome to Friendswood ISD.  

We are so glad you are wanting to enroll your student in our school district.  As a Texas public school, FISD serves students who are Kindergarten (5 years old on or before September 1st) through 12th grade with some students qualifying for specialized programs as young as 3 years old and through 21 years of age.  

All new to district students must apply through our district website. 

Once your student’s application is received, it will then be processed by the campus registrar where your student will attend. You will receive email confirmation when your student’s application is approved and when they can begin attending school.  Please wait for the confirmation email that will come from the campus registrar before sending your student to school.

Stacy Guzzetta
Residency Liaison

Please note: Please ensure you have ALL necessary documents attached BEFORE submitting the enrollment.  You are not able to return and add additional documents.  Your student's enrollment will not be completed until ALL documents are provided.


(Select this if FISD does not have your family information in Skyward)


(Select this if you have a child currently enrolled in FISD and are enrolling a NEW FISD student.)

New to FISD 2024-2025
Online Enrollment


7 Documents Required to Register

Please see the list below of required documents for enrollment. We highly recommend you have each of these files available prior to completing the NSOE application and in PDF format.

  1. Proof of Residence in Friendswood ISD (Utility bill: water, gas or electricity *Must be current with correct service address of residence and in parent’s name)
  2. Proof of Ownership (example: current mortgage statement, current lease, deed, current tax statement, contract to purchase home OR copy of the Galveston county appraisal district (property search)
  3. Original Birth Certificate issue by state (NO hospital certificate)
  4. Child’s Social Security Card (SSN is recommended but not required. A student who does not provide or have a SSN will be assigned a State Identification Number)
  5. Child’s Immunization Record (official)
  6. Photo ID of the parent enrolling student (current valid, state, federal or international photo ID)
  7. Other school records such as a Report Card or Transcript. Course selection for secondary students could be delayed without records. 

*If you are unable to provide residency documents in your name, please contact the FISD administration building for assistance at 281-482-1267.

We highly suggest scanning documents or if using your phone please convert the image to a PDF (i.e. using Notes app, Microsoft Lens, Genius Scan).  Illegible documents will not be accepted.

Course Scheduling Appointments

Secondary students (6th-12th) grade will need to schedule an appointment with their child’s counselor to make course selections.  A complete enrollment application is needed to receive approval.  This includes all required documents and a current report card and/or transcript.  Once approved, you will receive an email with a link to sign up for an appointment.

Skyward Family Access
FISD provides an online student enrollment / information site. Skyward Family Access, a secure internet-based website that will allow you to easily keep track of your student(s) progress. Among other things, this service will allow you to view your student’s attendance, grades, schedule, progress, and assignments. In addition, Skyward Family Access will be used to pay student fees online. Family Access is a free service and will be available to all parents and guardians with children enrolled in the District.


Students must be up-to-date on all required immunizations. Parents or guardians must bring their children’s’ immunization record at the time of registration.
State of Texas Vaccine Requirements 
FISD Health Services Department
Texas Department of State Health Services

FISD Transportation
FISD provides free transportation to students residing in Friendswood ISD. Busses are available for transportation to & from the designated bus stop or licensed child care facility. The Route Locater is provided for you to find your bus routes. Use your home address to see your closest bus stop.

Each school has individual supply request. Supplies are listed here.

Class Assignments
Each school has its own method for notifying students of class schedules and teacher assignments. There are generally times and dates scheduled for students and parents to go receive information and meet teachers before the school year begins. Look for open house notices on your campus website or the district event calendar. You may also contact your school for more information.

Times and Events
Each campus may differ slightly on start and end times. Please check with your campus or on the campus website. Our staggered times allow the district to reduce buses and drivers. Bell schedules are provided for FJH and FHS.
The District calendar is on the website for upcoming events and testing dates.

The Food Service Department provides meals with monthly menus posted. Lunches may be purchased with cash or check at the cafeteria. We encourage parents to use mySchoolBucks, as it reduces the time required for the department to process checks and cash into student accounts. Parents will be able to access student accounts with a transaction detail list at home 24 hours a day.
Students receiving free or reduced priced lunches must submit an application every year. Applications will be sent home with each student on the first day of school. Additional copies are available in the cafeterias and a printable application is available under the department link.

PTO Volunteers
Parents are extremely active in organizations and programs in the Friendswood Independent School District. To find out how you can participate in these organizations, please contact your child’s school.








Cline Elementary:

Westwood Campus:

Bales Campus:

Windsong Elementary:

Friendswood Junior High:

Friendswood High School: