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Strategic Plan

Call to action graphic with 2 girls: Through authentic experiences and relationships, FISD will graduate confident learners equipped with the knowledge, skills, and character to thrive in and contribute to a global society

The District has been working with Engage to Learn on a strategic design process to create a five-year strategic plan for Friendswood ISD.  As part of the process, the District has utilized a community survey, focus groups, and a strategic design team to gather input and facilitate a collaborative process to put together a document to help guide the planning for the next five years.  This document has been produced through the gathering of data and the work of a design team that has met for five sessions.  The design team was made up of 43 members from various district stakeholders – students, teachers at elementary and secondary, community members, parents, administrators, and central office staff.  Dr. Steve Waddell from Engage to Learn facilitated the process.  

Our Beliefs

We believe…

  1. That learning is meaningful, relevant and ever-evolving which motivates students, educators, parents, and community members to be lifelong learners.
  2. Students learn best and succeed in a space where they feel heard, seen and connected.
  3. Student-teacher relationships are key to student success.
  4. Education has a responsibility to value and support all students’ dreams and aspirations.
  5. Learning is unique to an individual’s passions and needs.
  6. Public education provides well rounded educational opportunities for all.
  7. Communication, collaboration and real-world connections lead to profound learning.
  8. Interpersonal relationships and connections are vital to the learning of and the development of civility and respect.
  9. Education for the future provides for the ability to learn and problem solve.
  10. Every student has a right to a safe learning environment.
  11. Relevant, authentic, engaged learning provides the best opportunity for true growth.
  12. A well-rounded student is the product of academic, social, and emotional learning.
  13. A quality education creates a bridge for all students to become independent contributing adults.


Our Learner Outcomes

  1. Every student will have a positive relationship with at least one adult at school.
  2. Each learner will demonstrate effective collaboration skills in both small and large team settings in every class.
  3. All students will effectively communicate utilizing a variety of media on a daily basis.
  4. Every student will achieve individual goals through an annual personal success plan.
  5. All students will graduate ready for their college or career choice.
  6. All students will demonstrate positive character daily.
  7. Each learner will explore the unknown, report discovery, and celebrate learning in every class.
  8. Every student will participate in a meaningful service activity each year.
  9. Every learner will connect through participation in a school activity or community group annually.
  10. All students will demonstrate measurable academic growth each year.
  11. All students engage in meaningful authentic learning every day appropriate to their unique path.
  12. Each learner will set measurable goals for his/her own learning exploration.
  13. All learners will identify a problem and apply problem-solving, critical thinking and creativity in all classes.
  14. All students will display a strong work ethic and be accountable for prioritizing their individual academic and social growth in every class.
Our Learner Profile

Academic Traits

    • Persists 

    • Is Flexible

    • Is Self-disciplined

    • Displays Grit

    • Is open minded

    • Is a risk taker

    • Is Self-directed 

    • Is Inquisitive

    • Is Analytical

Ways of Thinking

    • Thinks deeply

    • Problem solves

    • Innovates

    • Thinks critically

    • Reflects 

    • Analyzes

    • Deduces

    • Categorizes

    • Predicts

    • Thinks intuitively

Character Traits

    • Is Respectful

    • Is Responsible

    • Is Service-minded

    • Has integrity

    • Is Caring

    • Is Accountable

    • Is Ethical

    • Is Resilient

    • Is a Forward Thinker 

    • Is Empathetic

    • Is a Team Player

    • Is Courageous

    • Is an Encourager

    • Is Dependable

    • Has a strong work-ethic

    • Is Optimistic

    • Is Self-Reliant

    • Is a Good Citizen


    • Communicates effectively

    • Collaborates

    • Advocates for self and others

    • Stays connected

    • Resolves conflict

    • Accepts others and self

Challenge Accepted Picture

Our Goals

We will…

  1. We will develop a district-wide system that establishes a culture of community service for all students.   
  2. We will redefine the measure of student success based on our beliefs and call to action. 
  3. We will provide professional learning that is aligned to our beliefs and call to action.
  4. We will partner with the community to actively create and foster a learning environment dedicated to real-world instruction and experiences.
  5. We will strategically allocate resources for facilities that promote authentic learning experiences and real-world opportunities.
  6. All students will be engaged in authentic learning experiences in and beyond the classroom.
  7. We will develop initiatives that promote strong character traits, emotional maturity, and social well-being for each child.