Ensuring your child's attendance is crucial for our school's funding and their academic success. When your child is absent, providing notes is essential. Here are the reasons for absences and the required documentation:
1. Medical Appointment (Part-day): Submit a dated and signed doctor's note if your child attended school part-day.
2. Religious Holy Day: Provide a note explaining their participation in observance.
3. Workplace Visit (Junior and Senior students): They are entitled to 2 visits per year. Submit a signed Workplace Visit form from the Attendance office.
4. College Visit (Junior and Senior students): Also entitled to 2 visits per year. Provide proof of attendance from the college, such as an email or parking garage receipt.
5. Texas Driver's License Appointment (High School students): Limited to 2 appointments per year. Provide proof of attendance from the DMV.
6. Armed Services Enlistment Visit (High School students): Submit proof of attendance from the Armed Services office.
7. Active Duty Family Visit: Provide a copy of deployment orders showing dates of return.
8. Family & Protective Services appointment: Submit supporting documentation for the student's appointment.
9. Naturalization or Citizenship appointment: Provide supporting documentation for the student's appointment.
10. Required Court Appearance: Submit documentation from the court for the student's appearance.
Your cooperation in providing the necessary documentation for your child's absences is greatly appreciated.