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District Committees

Friendswood ISD believes in partnering with students, parents, faculty and community members to foster and develop committees where all stakeholders have a place at the table. District Committees are developed as oversight of and responsibility for the school system, sets the direction in which the system must go, and establishes criteria to determine if its goals and policies are being met. The superintendent serves as the school committee's chief executive officer and educational advisor.

District Committee Members meeting in boardroom

Superintendent’s Advisory Committee - The SAC serves as an advisory to the Superintendent.  The goal of this committee is to provide collaboration between parents and district administration on current topics and ideas within the district.  

Contact Tammy Locklear

SHAC - Student Health Advisory Committee  - Student Health Advisory Committees (SHAC) assist the districts in ensuring that local community values are reflected in health education instruction. Additionally, SHACs play an important role in strengthening the connection between health and learning. They can help parents and community stakeholders reinforce the knowledge and skills children need to stay healthy for a lifetime. Board Policy requires yearly approval of the committee by the Board of Trustees. The committee usually meets four times a year.  A majority of the members must be parents of students enrolled in the district and MUST NOT be employed by the district. One of those members shall serve as chair or co-chair of the SHAC. A board may also appoint one or more public school teachers, public school administrators, district students, health-care professionals, members of the business community, law enforcement representative, senior citizens, clergy, representatives of nonprofit health organizations, representatives of local domestic violence programs or representatives of another group.

Contact - Stacy Guzzetta

School Safety Advisory Committee  - The 86th Legislative Session made school safety a priority by passing Senate Bill 11 into law.  One component of this law requires school districts to appoint school safety committees that meet at least once a semester (and once in the Summer)  to provide their boards of trustees with recommendations for updates to their districts’ emergency operations plans. This committee has specific membership requirements and must include law enforcement, emergency management officials, school board members, teachers, administrators, and others.  They are required to provide periodic recommendations to update the district’s multi-hazard emergency operations plan, consult with local law enforcement regarding ways to increase law enforcement presence near district campuses, and hold regular public meetings.

Contact - JT Patton

District Advisory Committee - The DAC  is involved in establishing and reviewing the District's educational goals, objectives, and major district classroom instructional programs. This includes planning, preparing and reviewing the District Improvement Plan as well as the Strategic Plan

Contact: Lauren Ambeau

Superintendent’s Student Advisory Committee - This committee meets three or four times a year at the High School.  The committee consists of students recommended by their administrators and teachers that are regarded as leaders amongst their peers.  The Superintendent will hold meetings to hear concerns and suggestions from these students as well as to gain input on various topics concerning the District.  The committee is composed of approximately 35 students from grades nine through twelve.

Contact: Tammy Locklear

Citizens Advisory Committee - The District has created a Citizen's Advisory Committee made up of stakeholders to review the long-range plan and to present the Board of Trustees with recommendations for future facility and maintenance needs.

Reopening Advisory Committee - Coming back to school after the Coronavirus Pandemic 2020

Purpose: To provide feedback to inform and shape the plans to reopen FISD in the fall of 2020. The committee is composed of Campus Principals, District administrators, Nurses, counselors, parent representatives from each campus, two Board members and two physicians. The committee met three times during the Summer of 2020 and made a recommendation to the Board on July 20, 2020.