Rebecca Hillenburg
Rebecca Hillenburg, Ed.D. brings educational experience to the board having served as both a teacher and principal in Friendswood ISD. Currently a retired educator, she worked in education for 25 years. She is a resident of Friendswood, and, during that time, taught at Westwood Elementary and served as principal of Friendswood Junior High School.
Hillenburg has her B.S. in Elementary Education from Indiana University; M.S. in Curriculum and Instruction from Indiana University; M.S. in Mid-Management from the University of Houston Clear Lake; and Doctor of Education in Educational Administration from Baylor University.
She and her husband Roy have a son and daughter-in-law, Russell and Mary Beth, two grandchildren, both future FISD students. She is presently active in Friendswood United Methodist Church and on the board of Hope Village.
Why Hillenburg joined the Board: After retirement from education, the board gives me the opportunity to use my background, continue to be a part of the district, and serve our community.
What she hopes to accomplish: My primary goal is to provide the opportunity for each student to reach his/her fullest potential. It is my responsibility to provide programs, funding and staff to accomplish this.
To contact Dr. Hillenburg: