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Niki Rhodes

Niki Rhodes

Niki Rhodes was sworn into the Friendswood ISD School Board of Trustees on Monday, Nov. 16. Rhodes was elected to Position 2 of the Board during the election on Nov. 3. 

Rhodes has been a part of the Friendswood community for the past 12 years. She and husband Klint moved to Friendswood specifically for the educational opportunities that FISD could provide for their son Brady who is now a sophomore at Friendswood High School. 

“I am grateful for the education that FISD has given my family," Rhodes said. “I believe in our District’s call to action and guiding beliefs. I believe that each student has their own unique path and FISD is dedicated to seeing each student succeed."

Since her son began school in Friendswood, Rhodes has volunteered in the District through a variety of organizations including the FISD Education Foundation and Westwood/Bales PTO. She has also served as a member of the Superintendent’s Advisory Council, Strategic Planning Committee, Class Rank Committee and the Citizen Advisory Committee. 

In addition to her work with FISD, Rhodes is also a sustaining member of the Houston Junior League. She was an active member for 10 years, during which she held numerous leadership positions including community treasurer, membership treasurer, and a member of the Strategic Planning Committee.

Rhodes has also volunteered with various other non-profits including The Muscular Dystrophy Association, The Organization for Autism Research, Periwinkle Foundation, Young Texans Against Cancer and Barrio Dogs, Inc. 

“I think that each of these experiences has given me unique insights into working with community-based organizations and will prove useful in my work on the school board.

Furthermore, Rhodes earned a business degree from Lamar University and has been employed in the legal field for the last 19 years as both an office manager and the head of an accounting department.

Rhodes said she will now use all of the skills she has learned throughout her many experiences to guide her as a Board member.

“I look forward to sharing my time and talents to serve our community, its teachers and students."

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