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Therapeutic Education Center

The Therapeutic Education Center at Friendswood is a day school partnership between Friendswood ISD, Alvin ISD and Pearland ISD serving students with autism, a low incidence disability or an emotional disability who require extensive self-contained support for behavior and who have progressed through all other in-district options of the LEAs continuum of support & services.

402 Laurel Dr. Friendswood, TX 77546

Academic Calendar


TEC Staff group picture
Staff Name Position
Jamie Rogers Principal
Sarah Quintero Administrative Assistant
Ashleigh Hatcher Teacher
Veronica Miner Teacher
Maya Gandy Teacher
Brandi Williams Paraprofessional
Emily Cobb Paraprofessional
Chavon Withrow Paraprofessional
Carole Nicasio Paraprofessional
Michelle Herrera Paraprofessional
Julianne Collins Paraprofessional