FISD K-12 Resources
- Canvas
- Classlink
- Skyward Finance
- Eduphoria
- GoGuardian
- Skyward Student & Family Access
- Microsoft Office365
FISD Canvas :
Canvas is the learning management system (LMS) for FISD that allows teachers to provide instructional support, class calendars, assignments, communication and resources for students in a safe online environment.
Who has access?
All FISD parents and guardians can log in to Canvas using their Skyward login. When your account is authenticated, it will automatically add you as a parent observer of your students' courses.
What is the parent observer role in Canvas?
Observers have limited permissions that allow them to see what is going on in a course and a calendar of assignments. Like students, Observers cannot view a course until it is published and the course has started. For assistance with Assignments, Test Dates, Quizzes, or other Canvas course content, please contact your child’s teacher.
What can parents view in Canvas?
Below are the features available to parents, please note that not all courses/teachers use all features.
- View the Dashboard
- View the course Syllabus
- View prompts but not participate in Discussions
- View but not submit Assignments
- Preview and download some Files
- View the Modules Page
- View Canvas Grades
- View the Calendar
- Communicate with the teacher
- Set your Notifications
How will parents access Canvas?
The link to the Canvas login is located at Please remember to bookmark the Canvas login website for future access.
There is also a Canvas Parent app available for both iOS and Android.
How to Install Canvas Parent - iOS
How to Install Canvas Parent - Android
How do parents login to Canvas?
- Parents should not use their student’s login credentials.
- Parent Canvas Username : Same Username as Parent Skyward Account
- The FIRST time you access Canvas, you will need to click the forgot password option so that you can set a password for the Canvas system.
- NOTE : Canvas and Skyward passwords are not linked. They are set independently.
- The Canvas app is available in Google Play and the App Store for tablets and smartphones. Windows devices use the browser.
Canvas - Parent FAQs
How can I change the password for my parent Canvas account?
You can change your password in Account Settings. Click Edit Settings on the right and then check the box for change password. Enter the old and new password then click Update Settings.
If I change my password in Skyward, will it automatically change in Canvas?
No. Canvas and Skyward passwords are not linked. They are set independently.
How can I organize my students?
You can change the color course modules for each of your children. When on the Canvas app click the pencil icon on the upper right of a course module. On a computer you will click on the three dots on the upper right of a course module to change the color. You can nickname the course modules when on a computer to make them easier to identify. When on the computer you will click on the three dots on the upper right of a course module to nickname a course.
You can show only the course modules you are interested in seeing on your dashboard. Click on Courses in the navigation bar and then All Courses. Put a yellow star next to the courses you want to see on the dashboard. This can be changed and updated as often as you like. This is setting your “favorites”. On the App you will click the gear in the upper right to get to all courses.
Can I move the course boxes on the Dashboard and re-organize them in a different order?
Yes, click and drag the boxes to move them into a different order.
Can I change the notifications for certain students or courses?
When you log in to Canvas, select the Account icon in the top left, then click Notifications. Read more below to find out how to adjust these notifications and their frequency.
You will need to use the drop-down to adjust settings for the Account vs individual courses. If you have multiple students in FISD all of the courses will be listed in the drop-down menu.
Account-level notifications apply to all courses. Notifications for individual courses can be changed within each course and will override these notifications.
What are the options that are available for frequency of notifications?
Daily notifications will be delivered around 6pm. Weekly notifications will be delivered Saturday between 6am and 8am.
Are report cards located in Canvas? | Attendance?
Skyward is our Student Information system. Skyward is where you will find access to the official grades for your child, attendance, progress reports and report card.
Why do I not see all my child’s courses on the dashboard?
If you have selected only to show favorites in the dashboard, you will need to go to Courses and to Show All Courses on a computer (the gear on the app) and make sure you have the course selected. If a course is not published by the teacher, it will not show on the dashboard.
Why can I see the courses on the dashboard for one child but not my other children in FISD?
You will need to use the drop-down in the top right-hand corner of the dashboard to select which FISD student you wish to view courses for.
I am having issues accessing content within Canvas, what should I do?
Sometimes clearing the cache and cookies helps fix certain problems with websites, such as loading or formatting issues. You can clear your browser cache and cookies whether you are using a PC, a Mac, or a Chromebook. Click here for more information.
Canvas - New to FISD
New to FISD teachers will have a Canvas sandbox created for them by the Instructional Technology Department. You will receive an email when your Canvas sandbox has been created.
When you log in to Canvas, you will see a notification to accept the invite.
The Canvas Sandbox serves as a non-instructional blank course that can be used for course development. The sandbox is unpublished and private, students cannot access the sandbox and cannot be enrolled into the sandbox. You can create content and test out settings in your sandbox without worrying about accidentally deleting or altering content in your live Canvas courses.
Live Canvas courses will auto-generated via Skyward sync and students will be automatically rostered into the appropriate courses. You will be able to copy content from your sandbox into your live course.
Canvas Basics
FISD staff have the opportunity to obtain 2 hours of PD credit for completion of the Anytime, Anywhere Canvas Basics course. This course is accessible here and includes the following topics :
- Canvas Overview
- Set Canvas Home Page
- Rich Content Editor Overview
- Modules Overview
- Files Overview
- Assignment Overview
- How to Create a Quiz
- Working With Modules
- Add a Module
- Publish/Unpublish Modules
- Module Prerequisites
- Module Requirements
- Edit a Module
- Add Course Content to a Module
- Quizzes and Assignments
- Add an Assignment Shell
- Create Online Submission Assignment
- Duplicate an Assignment
- Share an Assignment to Another Teacher
Cross-listing MUST be done while courses are unpublished. Coursework is retained with the course, not with the section enrollments, so if a published course is cross-listed, all cross-listed enrollments will lose any associated assignment submissions and grades.
Cross List - Video How To
Cross List - Step by Step Guide
Please reach out to the Instructional Technology Department if you have any questions regarding Cross-listing.
Lanna Barajas
Instructional Technology Coordinator
Jason Norman
Instructional Technology Specialist
- How to log in to ClassLink on a mobile device
- How to log in to ClassLink on a laptop or desktop
- Download the ClassLink mobile app on the App Store or Google Play
Classlink Parent FAQ
MFA Set Up
Navigation & Features
Quick Cards
Browser Extension Install
Skyward Finance
FISD Staff
Username : FISD Staff Username (NO
Password : FISD Google Password
Username : FISD 6 digit Student ID (AKA Lunch Number)
Password : 8 digit birthday (mmddyyyy)
Staff will access Eduphoria via ClassLink or using the link below :
Username : FISD Staff Username (NO
Password : FISD Google Password
Eduphoria - Profile Set Up/Update - please refer to these instructions for the initial set up of your Eduphoria profile or to update your profile.
FISD staff have the opportunity to obtain 1 hour of PD credit for completion of the Anytime, Anywhere Eduphoria Basics course. This course is accessible here and covers introductory topics related to Strive and Aware.
Strive - My Professional Learning
Strive - Creating & Submitting Goals
Strive - Uploaded Evidence & Adding Evidence to a Goal
Strive - Electronically Sign Document
Strive - Requesting Outside PD Credits : Outside PD is reviewed and approved by your appraiser, please contact your appraiser if PD credit has not been approved.
Strive Appraisers - Approving PD Credits
Eduphoria Portfolio Export Request
The Eduphoria Portfolio, with all of your staff development hours can be exported for you when you leave the district. The export must be obtained from the Instructional Technology Department via the request process form below. The exported file can then be used to import your PD portfolio to another district.
Eduphoria Profile Request Form
Once the Request is received, we will email the file to the email address submitted in the form.
Monitor Groups & Lists
Aware - Create Student Access List
- Student Aware Password Troubleshooting
- Administer District Assessment
- Navigating to Assessments
- Administering Online Assessments
- End Online Assessments
- Reopen Test
- Constructed Response Grading
- Interactive Item Types
Student Aware Password Troubleshooting
Continued Student Login Issues
- Confirm student is typing the ID & birthday correctly
- All teachers have access to reset Aware student passwords
- Please reset the student password to their 8 digit birthday following the mmddyyyy format
- Aware Student Password Reset Instructions
Administer District Assessment
Navigating to Assessments
Navigating to Assessments
Step 1: Log in to Aware.
Step 2a: Under Assessments, select Administer to view a list of available tests that can be administered to students.
Step 2b: Under Assessments, select Author to continue editing any assessments the teacher or teacher team has started to build.
Users can also choose from the following options to add a new assessment:
- Create a New Blank Test
- Copy Existing Test
- Create New Quick Test Key
- Create New Test from ZIP File
Step 2c: Under Assessments, select Proctor to remotely administer a test on a teacher’s behalf. To select a staff member, locate them by campus or by searching their name.
Administering Online Assessments
To administer an online test, you will now reserve an active and available assessment.
In Aware, select Administer under Assessments.
You will see a list of assessments under Tests Available.
To make an online assessment available for students, click the Online Test Proctoring tab and expand the desired classes. Check the Select All box to activate the online assessment for all students or check/uncheck individual students. You can also choose Start All and Start Selected or Stop All once the assessment is complete.
Note: Stopping a test will force a student out of the test when they change an answer choice or answer a question. Students who leave the test open on their device without taking action will only be automatically removed once they attempt to change questions after more than five minutes have passed since their last action.
Teachers can also monitor the status of students as the online test progresses.
Note: Once the Online Test Proctoring button is selected, changes made to the student profile or updated student support imports will not be acknowledged by the testing software. Ensure all appropriate supports are assigned prior to the proctoring of the assessment.
To administer the assessment to students in personal, campus, or district monitor groups, select the drop-down menu to choose an appropriate monitor group. Test authors can filter an assessment to students in monitor groups within its Administration tab.
If an online test is Available to any student and you click on Online Test Proctoring to turn off this option, a warning screen will show. There will be an option to keep the test included for proctoring or to make the test Unavailable for all students.
There is a button located at the top right of the proctoring screen that enables teachers to copy the student online testing URL.
If a test will be given over multiple days, teachers should notify students to exit the test manually instead of the teacher ending the test without warning, forcibly closing the test to students. This process will allow the answers to save properly and prevent potential data loss when the test is reopened the next day.
Student Status
There are five different statuses a student can have while taking a test:
- Not Started: Student has not started the test.
- Inactive: Student has started but is not actively taking the test, or student has closed the test using Exit Test without submitting.
- In Progress: Student is actively taking the test.
- Completed: Student has submitted the test and is awaiting manual grading.
- Graded: Student test is graded.
Teachers will be unable to view the student’s constructed response answers if the student is currently taking the test online. Once the test is submitted for scoring, the responses will be visible.
End Online Assessments
Teachers may end an online assessment on behalf of students. To do so, teachers should navigate to Online Test Proctoring through Administer and select the appropriate test. Teachers may then select End Test to close individual assessments.
Learn more about how to safely suspend testing for students who need to resume at a later point.
Using the End Test Option
The End Test option in Online Test Proctoring is intended to be used when a student fails to submit their answers to be scored and is no longer taking an online assessment. When End Test is selected, the student’s test entry is scored in its existing state.
We recommend this button be used only in cases where teachers or test proctors become aware that a student did not submit their test for scoring after that student logged out of the test and closed their browser. In the event a student’s test has lost connectivity, leave the browser and test open until the connection is restored.
Reopen Test
Students might accidentally submit an online test before it is completed. To reopen a test for students, follow the directions below.
Step 1: Select Administer and navigate to the Online Test Proctoring tab.
Step 2: Select the Reopen button on the far right from the student's name. This will allow the student to edit all answers and resubmit the test for scoring.
Constructed Response Grading
Interactive Item Types
Views & Reports
Username : FISD Staff Username (NO
Password : FISD Google Password
Username : FISD 6 digit Student ID (AKA Lunch Number)
Password : 8 digit birthday (mmddyyyy)
Online Aware Assessments
Logging In
Students must log in to Eduphoria to take a test or complete an assignment.
Step 1: Students will access Eduphoria via ClassLink or they may be provided the Eduphoria Student link
*Please note that the access links for Eduphoria Student and Eduphoria Staff are different.
Step 2:
Username : FISD 6 digit Student ID (AKA Lunch Number)
Password : 8 digit birthday (mmddyyyy)
Step 3: Under My Assignments, students will select the appropriate assignment.
Step 4: Once students have selected an assignment, they can begin.
Answering Questions
Step 1: Students will answer each question by selecting the correct answer and then clicking Next.
Step 2: To navigate between questions, they can either click the Question Number or use the Previous and Next buttons at the bottom of the screen.
Step 3: Once students have finished answering all questions, they can proceed to the next step by selecting Review & Submit.
Submitting a Test
If the student skipped any questions, the question number will be displayed with a red bell indicating it is unanswered. Selecting the question number returns the student to that question.
Once the student has answered all questions, they can submit the assessment by selecting Submit to Score.
Aware Test Features
Online Testing Features
Exit Test
If students need to exit a test and return later to finish, they can do so by selecting Exit Test. Student progress will be saved.
Note: Once they have exited the test, students can reenter the test unless the test administration window is closed or the teacher submits the assessment on the student’s behalf via End Test.
If the test closes while students are taking the test, the system will display the following message: “The test has been closed by the administrator and can no longer be changed.”
If a calculator is available for students to use on a test, the Calculator icon will be present in the toolbar. To turn on the calculator, click the Calculator icon. To turn it off, click the icon again. Teachers must enable the calculator feature for it to be available for use.
To highlight selections on a test, students will select the section they wish to highlight and click the Highlight icon that appears next to the selected text. They can choose from the following colors: yellow, orange, mint green, and lavender.
Note: Highlighted selections do not save and will vanish once the student exits the test or selects the Review & Submit option. If the student reenters the test, they can re-highlight selections as desired.
Eliminating Answer Choices
Students can eliminate answer choices they don't want to use by selecting the (-) Eliminate this answer symbol next to the answer choice.
If they change their mind, they can reactivate the answer choice by clicking the (-) Eliminate this answer symbol again.
Flagging Questions for Review
If students want to skip a question or have chosen an answer they want to review later, they can select the Flag icon above the question. This will flag the question and place a border around the question number.
If students hit Review & Submit, they will be reminded they have flagged questions for review. To review the question, they can select the corresponding question number.
If students accidentally submit their assessment before they are ready, the teacher can reopen the assessment