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Gifted & Talented

In 1977, the Texas Legislature passed its first legislation concerning the education of gifted/talented (G/T) students. In 1979, state funds for providing services to G/T children were made available, but providing such services was optional for school districts. In 1987, the Texas Legislature mandated that all school districts must identify and serve G/T students at all grade levels. In 1990, the Texas State Plan for the Education of the Gifted/Talented Students (State Plan) was adopted by the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) that included a commitment to high-level learning opportunities for G/T learners. Friendswood ISD G/T services are aligned with the state goal listed below:

“Students who participate in services designed for gifted/talented students will demonstrate skills in self-directed learning, thinking, research, and communication as evidenced by the development of innovative products and performances that reflect individuality and creativity and are advanced in relation to students of similar age, experience, or environment. High school graduates who have participated in services for gifted/talented students will have produced products and performances of professional quality as part of the program services.”

LINK: TEA Gifted and Talented Education

GT Tenets are: Leaderhip- Lead by example. Motivate your team to accomplish a goal. Teachnology- Use technology to learn, communicate, and create things that were once not even possible. Research- Get information from many sources. Share what you’ve learned in your own words. Global Awareness- Be aware of world events and how they affect us daily. Understand and connect with others. Productive Thinking- Think outside the box. Use critical thinking skills to tackle challenges with creativity. Problem Solving- Define the problem. Brainstorm, choose, & test solutions. Review the results. Communication- Speak, listen, empower. Hone your communication skills and express your ideas confidently. Collaboration- Teamwork makes dreamwork! Work with others to learn & create new things together.

ADA Accessible chart of the information above linked here.

Stacy Guzzetta
Friendswood ISD
302 Laurel Dr.

Renzulli's 3-Ring Conception of Giftedness


ADA Accessible chart of the information above linked here.

Every child deserves to learn something new every day. Followed by a graphic of a lightbulb