2.2 Provide strategic opportunities for students to explore and create individual pathways of success.
2.4 Establish a system that eliminates class rank and cultivates each student’s unique path.
3.2 Engage teachers to design professional learning that promotes the district call to action.
4.1 Establish and organize interactive community partnerships
5.1 Develop a research-based needs assessment that drives district allocations.
7.1 Construct a layered research-based system to drive social-emotional well being of students and their community.
Goal 1: We will develop a district-wide system that establishes a culture of community service for all students
1.1 Implement a service program that engages all students in giving back to their community.
1.2 Create a communication system within the community that provides information and collects feedback regarding the service program.
1.3 Establish partnerships that sustain the community service program.
2.2 Provide strategic opportunities for students to explore and create individual pathways of success.
2.4 Establish a system that eliminates class rank and cultivates each student’s unique path.
3.2 Engage teachers to design professional learning that promotes the district call to action.
4.1 Establish and organize interactive community partnerships
5.1 Develop a research-based needs assessment that drives district allocations.
7.1 Construct a layered research-based system to drive social-emotional well being of students and their community.
Goal 2: We will redefine the measure of student success based on our beliefs and call to action.
2.1 Establish professional learning that promotes the implementation of alternative assessments.
2.2 Provide strategic opportunities for students to explore and create individual pathways of success
2.3 Create a locally developed accountability system based on district beliefs.
2.4 Establish a system that eliminates class rank and cultivates each student’s unique path.
Goal 3: We will provide professional learning that is aligned to our beliefs and call to action.
3.1. Implement a full-cycle learning system that will include data, research, implementation, reflection, and evaluation of the effectiveness of professional learning.
3.2 Engage teachers to design professional learning that promotes the district call to action.
3.3. Strategically allocate resources that support targeted learning outcomes.
Goal 4: We will partner with the community to actively create and foster a learning environment dedicated to real-world instruction and experiences.
4.1 Establish and organize interactive community partnerships
4.2 Create learning opportunities for all students to have real-world experiences in and out of the classroom.
Goal 5: We will strategically allocate resources for facilities that promote authentic learning experiences and real-world opportunities.
5.1 Develop a research-based needs assessment that drives district allocations.
5.2 Create comprehensive plans for resource allocations.
5.3 Expand a network of strategic external partnerships to enhance resources for district goals.
Goal 6: All students will be engaged in authentic learning experiences in and beyond the classroom.
6.1 Implement a collaborative learning model that integrates students, the community, and the world.
6.2 Implement student feedback tools focusing on individual interests to broaden and guide student learning.
Goal 7: We will develop initiatives that promote strong character traits, emotional maturity, and social well-being for each child.
7.1 – Construct a layered research-based system to drive social-emotional well being of students and their community.
7.2 – Create comprehensive assessments to measure social and emotional learning
7.3 – Expand character programs district-wide consistent with the district character education attributes.
7.4 – Implement a comprehensive learning program that promotes student risk taking and opportunities to grow through failure.
7.5 – Implement an ongoing targeted system for social-emotional Tier II and Tier III student identification and intervention strategies.